World AIDS Day 2022 | Wear Red!

Good Day Colleagues,

World AIDS Day takes place tomorrow, December 01, 2022.

It’s an opportunity for us to unite in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness. This year, the theme is Equalize.”

Show your solidarity and support for World AIDS Day by wearing RED on Thursday 01 December 2022.

Wear RED:

ü  For someone living with HIV/AIDS.

ü  For someone lost to it.

ü  For those who know and those who don’t know their status.

ü  To end discrimination against infected persons.

ü  For a country where HIV-related stigma can be a thing of the past.

ü  To equalize access to essential HIV services.

Please note that our photographer will be capturing photos on the day for internal publications and illustrations!